iMagic Inventory

Manual Importing Inventory

You can easily import inventory items using the Import Inventory Wizard.

Open the Inventory Import Wizard by clicking the Inventory Import Wizard from the File menu.

This wizard allows you to import inventory from Comma Separated Values (CSV) files.

Step 1. Welcome

The first step welcomes you to the wizard and indicates what it does. To continue:

1. Click the Next button.

Step 2. Choose the file to import.

This step allows you to choose the file you want to import your inventory from.

1. Enter the path and filename of your CSV (Comma Separated Values File) to import or click the Browse button to find it.
2. Click the Next button.

Step 3. Choose the fields to import.

Choose the fields (name, description, number, etc) you would like to import from the CSV file.

1. If the first row in your CSV file contains the field names click the First line has field names option.
2. Choose the String Separator, this is the character used to surround text, i.e. "A double quote String Separator surrounds this example".
3. Under the Import Fields select which fields you want to import from your CSV file. If you don't want to import a field select ignore.
4. Click the Next button.

Step 4. Finished

Your inventory items have now be imported. To continue:

1. Click the Next button.


ยท If you're having problems importing data let us know and we'll be happy to import the data for you. You can contact us at [email protected]

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